

Friday, October 18, 2013

Now You See You 4

I am already on to my next book. The book I am currently reading now is Now you See Her. The author of this novel is James Patterson and Michael Ledwidge. This is the first James Patterson novel I have ever read in my life. The reason I chose to read one of his books was because my mom reads and loves his novel. Therefore I decided that I would give him try. I am very glad I decided to read one of his novels because I absolutely love this novel and I also actually enjoy his unique writing style. Mostly all of his books deal with mysteries or crimes or something in that nature. His books just make me never want to stop reading. I am definitely reading another one of his novels gain. So far in the book I am not far yet. Even though I am only about fifty five pages in the book is still so exciting already. Already a murder has occurred in this novel. If you read my past blog entries you might see that I like a theme to read about. My theme is crime and murder mysteries. Only the difference between my two books are in this book you know who the murderer is. In this novel the murderer is surprisingly the main character Nina Bloom.She went down to Key West, Florida for spring break. She went down with a couple of friends and her boyfriend. It was their last day of spring break and they were all drinking and drank a lot and passed out in her hotel room.  In the middle of the night she woke up and heard two voices in the bathroom.  She then got up and went to the bathroom to see who it was.  She then saw her boyfriend with her best friend.  She was devastated and ran out of the room still  kind of under the influence.  She stole her boyfriend's car and was driving recklessly.  She was driving too fast and saw a dog and tried to swerve away from the dog and while doing that accidentally hit a man and killed him.  It was kind of ironic that while trying to avoid hitting a dog she ended up hitting and killing  a real person.  Then to make matters worse police sirens started to grow closer and closer.  She was then put into the police car.  While in the police car the cop finally took a look at her while she was crying and fell in love with her.  Within a year they were married and she did not return to college.  Another example of irony is during the worst day of her life, she ended up happier than ever.

Missing Person's 3

Now after we have found out what happened to Theresa Moretti we still need to know what happened to Kate’s husband, Kenny. It was actually a complete shock. This part of the story I was so shocked. I figured it would be either the girlfriend he had at the time. Her name was Vera. Or it could either be Kate. I thought Vera could have done because she could have gotten angry at Kenny. I thought that she would have gotten mad because before Kenny died he was telling his best friend that he wanted to get back together with Kate. He actually stopped paying his divorce lawyer, which is actual proof that he was considering or wanting to get back together with his wife. I would too having a wife is a big commitment and you should try to stick with that in my opinion. I actually grew feelings for Kate in this novel and she actually loved her husband, therefore I wanted them to work things out and get back together. Kate I thought might have killed him because she might not of wanted to get a divorce so she just killed him to avoid that. Or I thought she might of killed him because she got so angry when she found out about the affair he was having. Only as I kept reading the book I learned she had nothing to do with his death. Kate was a loving wife. She found a shirt of his while cleaning up and wore it to bed. She missed him so much and if she missed him so much why would she kill him? Therefore in my opinion it was an open and shut case that Vera had killed him by poisoning his food or something that would cause him to die suddenly and untraceably. Only in the end Vera did not do it either! How Kenny died was from drinking tea. Yes, drinking tea caused him to die. The reason it caused him to die was because the tea contained a special plant that causes heart attacks. I hated this part of the book to be honest. I was all excited to see who killed Kenny thinking I knew them and everything would tie together. Only it was just a blah ending to me. It kind of left me wondering and wanting to know more about it, but oh well I guess I will have to start over on the next book!    

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Missing Person's 2

I just finished Missing Person’s! Wow. All the questions that were in my last post have finally ben answered. One was a surprise and the other I kind of guessed while reading further along. While reading Kate got very involved into the Theresa Moretti case. She tried solving it for herself. Kate actually succeeded in solving it. In the end we discovered Theresa was dead and was no longer missing. I was upset to find out that she was dead because her mother was so full of hope that she was going to return to the family and now never will. She has to interview everyone involved for her job on the television show and everyone even seemed okay. Until she got to interview the ex-boyfriend and the boyfriend she had when she disappeared. Both of them seemed like they might have something to do with it. So for a while I was guessing one of them and I was right! One of them killed Theresa Moretti. The reason the ex-boyfriend named Jason seemed a little strange was because after all this time he was still obsessed with her. After Theresa dumped him and got a new boyfriend almost right after she dumped him, he would still try giving Theresa gifts. He actually saw Theresa the day she went missing because he was giving her a gift. I was not the only one who thought his obsession might have led him to kill her. Kate said in the novel “Or maybe she was dumping him for the other guy and his ego couldn’t take it.” Therefore it was in Kate’s head that Jason could be a suspect as well. I also thought the boyfriend she had when she went missing; Wyatt was a suspect along with Jason. I thought this because when Kate went to his house to interview him for the show she discovered he has a fiancĂ© already. Not only did he have a fiancĂ© but he has been dating this woman while he was also dating Theresa. That to much just sounds like he did not care for Theresa at all. Which led me to believe maybe Theresa found out about the other woman and in a heated argument he made his move. Or my other belief was that Theresa one night was going to tell the other woman about her boyfriend’s unfaithfulness and Wyatt put a stop to that to save his relationship with the other woman. After hearing that whom do you think it is? Well the answer is Jason killed her. He killed her by accident. She was telling him to stop harassing her and giving her gifts he was so angry he accidently hit her to hard. This was not a big shock to me. Read my next blog to figure out what happened to Kenny, her husband.

Missing Person's 1

I am currently reading the novel Missing Person’s. The author of this book is Clare O’Donohue. I have learned while reading this that I like the plot more than I do her writing style. Her writing style to me is nothing special in my opinion. A quick overview of this story is woman named Kate Conway works for a television network and has just got assigned a new case to tape for the show. The case she had received is about a missing girl named Theresa Moretti. Kate’s job is to interview people involved in her disappearance. These people include her mother, who still believes she is alive. Her brother, who has lost all hope. Her best friend who had plans to meet with Theresa the morning she went missing. A politician who was, maybe a little to close to Theresa. Her ex-boyfriend, who was obsessed with her even after she broke up with him. Then lastly the boyfriend she had when she went missing who has moved on completely. When Kate was assigned this case to do she was happy. She was happy because she knew getting involved in this would take her mind off the drama she had in her life. In her life her husband, that she was divorcing, just died. He died unexpectedly, and the doctors have no idea what happened. They believe it was murder. Therefore she became a suspect in the death of her husband. Another suspect in that case is her husband’s new girlfriend. Yes he had a girlfriend! That was a huge surprise in the novel. While she is a suspect in one case she is trying to solve another case. What irony! I enjoy how this book has two different cases in one. That is all I know now I can’t wait to keep reading to find out what is next. This book I am sure will have plenty more surprises. For example when we figure out what happened to Theresa. Or what happened to Kate’s husband, Kenny. Questions I ask myself while reading this are is Theresa alive or dead? If she is alive who took her and why or did she runaway for some reason? Then if she ran away why? If Theresa is dead who killed her and why? Then with Kate’s husband there are different questions that pop into my head. Who killed him if it was murder? If it was even murder? All these questions keep reading and checking my blog to find the answers!