

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Missing Person's 2

I just finished Missing Person’s! Wow. All the questions that were in my last post have finally ben answered. One was a surprise and the other I kind of guessed while reading further along. While reading Kate got very involved into the Theresa Moretti case. She tried solving it for herself. Kate actually succeeded in solving it. In the end we discovered Theresa was dead and was no longer missing. I was upset to find out that she was dead because her mother was so full of hope that she was going to return to the family and now never will. She has to interview everyone involved for her job on the television show and everyone even seemed okay. Until she got to interview the ex-boyfriend and the boyfriend she had when she disappeared. Both of them seemed like they might have something to do with it. So for a while I was guessing one of them and I was right! One of them killed Theresa Moretti. The reason the ex-boyfriend named Jason seemed a little strange was because after all this time he was still obsessed with her. After Theresa dumped him and got a new boyfriend almost right after she dumped him, he would still try giving Theresa gifts. He actually saw Theresa the day she went missing because he was giving her a gift. I was not the only one who thought his obsession might have led him to kill her. Kate said in the novel “Or maybe she was dumping him for the other guy and his ego couldn’t take it.” Therefore it was in Kate’s head that Jason could be a suspect as well. I also thought the boyfriend she had when she went missing; Wyatt was a suspect along with Jason. I thought this because when Kate went to his house to interview him for the show she discovered he has a fiancé already. Not only did he have a fiancé but he has been dating this woman while he was also dating Theresa. That to much just sounds like he did not care for Theresa at all. Which led me to believe maybe Theresa found out about the other woman and in a heated argument he made his move. Or my other belief was that Theresa one night was going to tell the other woman about her boyfriend’s unfaithfulness and Wyatt put a stop to that to save his relationship with the other woman. After hearing that whom do you think it is? Well the answer is Jason killed her. He killed her by accident. She was telling him to stop harassing her and giving her gifts he was so angry he accidently hit her to hard. This was not a big shock to me. Read my next blog to figure out what happened to Kenny, her husband.

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